Friday 3 January 2014

Strong Points

The second tile is finished...
Some might quibble about the difference in hues between the first and second tile - and clearly I must be one of those to even mention it - but - and paradoxically given the prior sub-statment - I am happy.

The plan  for the next tile is make a position centred upon a ruined farm, with the aim of extending back into a village that will be in the second line of tiles.

Here is the unpainted farmhouse...
So last night child 1 decided that it would be a good idea to jump over some cushions and while in mid-air ro touch his toe like Sporticus in Lazytown - result, a four hour wait in A&E to deal with the broken elbow. So in between trying to keep a frightened five year old calm, and reassure him that despite what he may have seen on Horrible Histories they were not going to cut his arm off (BBC children's programming has a lot to answer for) when he fell asleep I was able to read this months Miniature Wargames.

This in itself was a rare treat, as normally I buy it, browse it while holding court on the throne, and the next I see of it is a torn up, scribbled on, generally unreadable magazine peeping out from under a piece of furniture.

I particularly enjoyed the profile piece by John Treadaway on Jon Tuffley from GZG. His views on metals vs resin were interesting but this really stood out of the interview to me...

"There is a downside, however: I tend to be very careful with Web forums and so forth - I try to keep clear of some of them just because of the sheer volume of comment. It makes it very hard to concentrate on what you are trying to do, what direction you are trying to head in, when everybody gets to put in their (usually wildly differing) opinion. Sometimes, I find an open public discussion on everything is simply too distracting for me, so it has to be handled very carefully.
It is also very easy, as a manufacturer, to fall into the trap of assuming that a few very loud voices on some forums actually represent the views of the majority of your customer base, in many cases they don't. Although a lot of people may read them, the number who actively and regularly post can be quite small and it is dangerously easy to lose sight of the much larger number of happy but 'silent' customers out there."

Which I wholeheartedly agree with.

What he forgot to add was that manufacturers, and publishers, should also be rather careful when engaging with customers on the said forums, as recent events have highlighted.

And as I previously noted, my willingness to purchase from TFL has been lessened due to Rich's interactions on his own forum and around the web.



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