Ok they are plastic men... so I lost.
It was kill points, dawn of war, and the game basically boiled down to I went first, grabbed the centre of the board. The Grey Knights put everything in reserve, and when they came on they came on in a corner.
Orks being Orks - especially in 30 man mobs, are pretty unweildy, and because I was also bringing on most of my army first turn I couldn't concentrate in order to do multiple assaults.
Thus I was picked off piece meal.
There were a couple of amusing points however.
I'm sitting there thinking, 'they're only Orks'.
And indeed after the combat they were all dead - they might have taken one of two chaps with them.
To be honest I was pleased that they had managed to kill a Landraider.
A similar thing happened to the Boyz. The charged around a the remaining Landraider, threw forty dice and managed.... ? 1 wound.
Oh and then the whole Grey Knights army charged into them and they died.
To be honest it looked great - in my view what a gaming table should look like.
And does it make me a bad person to admit that losing the game was less important to me that the pleasure of playing on a table that enhanced the effort of painting my figures?
It probably does.
Still the important thing is that the Green Tiegrz have killed their first Landraider. I did attack the other one with my 3 CCA Dred, but that did bugger all.
Ps, while I am on the subject of losing....
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